Virtual Railfan Tour of Chile - Antofagasta a Bolivia Railway - Baquedano


FC del Norte de Chile at Baquedano
Those of you who have followed me from Bolivia will remember that we finished in Bolivia at the border with Chile.  Our special train continued through Chile to the coast at Antofagasta.  This line was built by one company and extended from Antofagasta to La Paz, Bolivia  We will make a short stop at Baquedano where the Antofagasta line crossed the Chilean Northern line

Baquedano is an outpost in the desert


A number of locomotives and exhibits were stored at Baquedano supposedly as a museum

However, it doesn't look as if much work has been done as this picture from Alfredo Navarro Recabal illustrates.

However, there was one steam locomotive in operating condition

3511 and a short train which will take us into the Atacama desert

Next we will take a steam locomotive into the Atacama desert, one of the driest places on earth.


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