Day 10 - Travel from Birmingham to York

We are now in Timothy Taylor's Land

It was very foggy in Birmingham this morning. However, our train to Birmingham New Street appeared out of the fog right on time. I think Birmingham looks better in the fog. We changed at Birmingham New Street to a train for York. We had first class reserved seats but the four car train was woefully inadequate to handle the large numbers of economy passengers. There was extensive standing and the conductor was apologizing at each station stop. This seems to be a feature of the UK rail system. We have realized that to get a seat one must travel first class.  

The journey seemed to take a long time as speeds were not very high. Tamworth, Derby, Chesterfield, Sheffield and Leeds. Dwell times were long at stations, partly because it took so long to get people out and in.

We arrived on time at York and quickly checked into our hotel. Back at the station I found a pub with an extensive selection of Timothy Taylor's Beers. I need to go back to test some of the other beers.

The Railway Museum was not open today but there will be plenty of time for us on Wednesday. We took a long walk through the town. There are a large number of streets that have been closed to vehicles for the run up to Christmas. This seems to have been very successful as the streets were crowded with pedestrians.

A very sparkly tree

The Minster is in good condition - much better than Koln.

An LNER Azuma

This Great Central train for London was three minutes overtime getting the crowds into the train. The driver is standing on the right hand side observing the action.


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