Transfer from Zurich to Olten - Wednesday 28 August 2924

The tram at Wohlen

Today we moved from Zurich to Olten. The journey could have been very quick and straightforward but we chose an unusual route.

We caught an early train from Zurich to Dietikon and transferred to the tram but this time we went on through Bremgarten to the end of the line at Wohlen. The tram we caught was a double set put on for the morning rush but I thought the second set would be taken out of service. We were in the back half. At Bremgarten we got out of the rear set and transferred to the front part of the train. Sure enough there was an announcement in German only and just the front part went forward.

We sdecided to soend a little time at Wohlen on the off chance of catching a few freight trains

This grafitti on a wagon is well done

There is quite an intensive passenger service through here - about six trains an hour in each direction.

This switcher was making moves around the station area. It is running here with nobody in the cab. Presumably the crew in the front have control.

We saw a number of freight trains that had been slotted in around the passenger trains.
We took a train to Lenzburg and were actually overtaken by a freight train on the other track.
From Lenzburg we took a local train to Zofingen - a line we hadn't been over before. It runs through pleasant farming country with much forest cover on the hills. The small towns have industries that are well served by rail.
From Zofingen it was a short jump to get to Olten where we checked in to the hotel and had lunch at a Migros restaurant.. These are good for a quick meal, one can control the quantities from the very wide selection available. The tables are always extensive and they are well frequented.
I usually choose the salad selection


After lunch we had a short excursion to see the improvements made at Liestal. There is now an additional through main line as well as a new island platform. The Waldenburgerbahn trains have been moved further out to create the space required.
This is a train of brand new passenger cars for the OBB hauled by a sparkling Vectron locomotive.

The Waldenburgerbahn train in the new platform.
Back at Olten we waited for the afternoon heat to abate somewhat and walked through the old city.
Interesting use of umbrellas but they didn't provide much shade.

Bell tower

An ornate fire hydrant.



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